Data Directory - 79

Financial Inclusion
Portal Indicator name
Inactive account
Inactive account
Output type
Input metric (short definition)
% reporting neither a deposit into nor a withdrawal from their account in the past year. This also includes making or receiving any kind of digital payment.
Weighted average
Long definition
The percentage of respondents who report neither a deposit into or withdrawal from their account in the past year. This also includes making or receiving any kind of digital payment.
The indicators in the Global Findex 2021 database are drawn from survey data covering almost 145,000 people
in 139 economies, representing 97 percent of the world’s population (see table A.1 for a list of the economies
included). The survey was carried out over the 2021 and 2022 calendar years by Gallup, Inc., as part of its Gallup
World Poll, which since 2005 has annually conducted surveys of approximately 1,000 people in each of more than
160 economies and in over 150 languages, using randomly selected, nationally representative samples. The
target population is the entire civilian, noninstitutionalized population age 15 and up.
CC-BY 4.0
Global Findex Database
Regional aggregrational method
Weighted average
Regional aggregrational calculation
sum of all individual country (country data point*country population over the age of 15)/(sum of all individual country population over the age of 15)*100
Regional underlying data point needed
Population ages 15 and above, total